Τετάρτη 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013


Xenia, where does your desire to be successful come from?

Certainly from my family. My father is a successful businessman. From my mother I got the sense of beauty. Honestly, I was never really interested in fashion or beauty. My mother, however, insisted that I’d dress feminine and take care of myself.

As an entrepreneur and you sometimes write about luxury and explore other people’s (luxury) lifestyle. What do you like so much about it?

What fascinates me the most is the dream and aspiration luxury objects carry with them. It’s not just about simply buying them, but the necessity of achieving something, in order for the dream to come true.

What is the most expensive that you’ve ever bought yourself?

My watch.

It was said about show business that it is a cold, superficial world. How do you experience that?

I don’t take it too seriously as I consistently put a separation between work and private life. This balance is extremely important to me. Also, I try to surround myself with people who are real and honest with me. Without it being in the spot light would be unbearable.

What should be your dream man?

There are alpha-type people, leaders. And there are beta people, followers. I’m leaning towards being quite alpha.

If I opted for a beta man, I would sooner or later get bored. But with an alpha man, we’d constantly crash. I don’t enjoy people bossing me around.

Do you have many friends?

Yes, I would say so. I like being part of a large group of friends but I also like the companionship of one special person when I need to talk to someone privately.

Is there something in your life that makes you sad?

The pain that economical crisis has provoked to people and the fear of not having the chance to fulfill my dreams.

How do you fight downs? 

I love to be alone, and to meditate. I have been doing it for around a year now, and it’s the best thing that happened to me in the past few years. It has completely changed my life.

Xenia, you have so much already do you  have a future dream ?

I want to study , learn more foreign languages and to travel to as many places I can.!

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