Τρίτη 20 Αυγούστου 2013

I believe that a smile can really change your day, your mood and eventually your life if you commit to positive thinking.

A nice smile is also even as important as good make up, and by working in front of the cameras so often, I thought I needed something exceptional that could help me maintain white teeth and perfect lips.

I didn’t know that toothbrushes, toothpaste or floss could be luxurious. But I knew I couldn’t compromise and I found out that swiss excellence is perfect in this area too, most of all when it comes to luxurious products of a superior quality. I tried them for several months, and I am very impressed by the quality.

I had the pleasure to find an expert to interview on this subject, here’s what Swiss Smile‘s Lucca Gaffuri revealed about perfect teeth and a successful luxury business:

 Xenia: how important it is to take care of our smile nowadays?

Lucca: Never forget “you only have one chance to make a first impression”, so a radiant smile might open or close important doors. That’s why we say “a smile can change the world”!

Xenia: having white teeth and a perfect smile helps in the society, is it a synonym of success?

Lucca: In addition to the eyes our smile and its teeth are the most visible and prominent means of expression, radiating confidence, sensuality and personality. So I wouldn’t say it is a synonym of success but it surely facilitates it!

Xenia: are there some foods you would recommend to avoid or some others to consume in order to have a good smile?

Lucca: One the one hand there’s the obvious three “-ines”  one should avoid being caffeine, theine and nicotine. Then before cleaning your teeth you shouldn’t consume sour dishes or beverages for this increases the abrasion of the dental enamel, we recommend to wait at least half an hour.

On the other hand vitamine C plays a very important role in regard to your oral health, it helps to regenerate the gums and the periodontium, furthermore it encourages the immune system to fight eventual infections. And last but not least whatever takes a bit of chewing and has a certain crunch is good for you such as raw fruit and vegetables.

Xenia: what’s the right behaviour in terms of hygiene?

Lucca: A very important fact is that dental plaque structures itself after 24 hours only and that unstructured dental plaque may easily be removed. Hence it isn’t that important how long or how often but how thorough you clean your teeth. Considering that 40% of the dental surface is in between the teeth one should not only use toothbrushes but interdental products such as dental floss or interdental brushes.

Xenia: is there a mistake we all commonly make?

Lucca: The most common mistake is the application of too much pressure because as explained before unstructured dental plaque is rather soft and may easily be removed so no pressure is required, also many people clean their teeth with too fast or swift movements which may result in gum recession and exposed dental necks.

Xenia: how many times a day shall we brush our teeth?
Lucca: We generally recommend to clean your teeth twice a day, this is enough as long as you clean each and every tooth singularly and thoroughly.

Xenia: we are all used to luxury creams and skin treatments, but rarely heard about a luxury treatment for our smile, are you aiming to revolutionise the market?

Lucca: Yes, kind of. I mean how is it possible that people spend a lot of time to find the best possible cosmetic products for which they then spend substantially more money due to their superior quality. But later they go home and use a standard toothbrush and toothpaste – this is like wearing a Brioni suit with flip-flops.

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