Τρίτη 20 Αυγούστου 2013

Smart Women and the Six Feminine Energies

Are you a woman who wants to have it all? Do you have a desire to experience your life and business on your own terms? I’ve come to realize that I have to choose what’s most important to me right now in my life.  I know that over time, my “energy” for different interests will change and grow into new areas. It’s essential for Smart Women to recognize and embrace new passions that may develop over time.

Having to choose what’s most important to women at different stages of their lives can be a challenge. After all, we’ve been taught that we are multi-taskers. We want to do it all and we can do it all— but at what cost?  This attitude can cost you , your health, money and precious time.
So , all you have to do is to choose two to three out of the six energies and try to focus your attention on them.

1. Making Things Happen – Achieving goals, business success, being ambitious, going for it, recognition, driven by earning income, doing important work.

2. Nurturing Relationships – Loving, sharing yourself, bonding, parenting, being intimate, being a “nutritious” friend, caring sibling, caring daughter.

3. Personal Mastery – Self-esteem, confidence, personal clarity, courage, loving yourself, embracing who you are, self-acceptance.

4. Fun and Expression – Being playful, creative, childlike, spontaneous.

5. Spiritual Awareness – Inner peace, the process of “being”, trusting in the universe, quiet and reflective, inner wisdom.

6. Leaving Your Legacy – Contribution, mentoring, leaving the world a better place, environmental caring, community service, volunteering, helping others.

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.

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