Πέμπτη 19 Ιανουαρίου 2017

About a story..!

No matter what you do, who you are, the story you tell is what matters. And even more important than that is the way you are telling it.

Joseph Campbell once said “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”

You remember yourself struggling for days and nights. The anxiety you had to face and all those failures and peoples' ignorance. But all those falls symbolize the growth and your values at this successful point. Moreover, every choice you make brings you to a different road. So this small pieces stuck together offer the new YOU!

Now, as for the glory, some people hunt it and some others just find it on their way accidentally. But as long as you have a secret talent the success is sure. For example, when we are talking about desing we think of Apple, elegance of Chanel, creativity and childhood of Disney.

So at the end you have made a myth. "A brand is what people say about you when you leave the room", Jeff Bezos.

How to tell it?
1) Create community .Lulu lemon and Nike are great examples of how forming a community around your brand can be a magical thing when it’s done well. Make sure you are the most social person they know.

2) Bring them with you- People need to be motivated from someone bigger.

3)Delight them- Share exactly what you had faced into your journey. They have to understand that it's not only about the victories.

4)Be discoverable – Make your brand easy to find, be active in your story as it plays out on social media in ways native to the platform.

5) Give value!

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